Find the Art in Everything

Wishing everyone a happy, peaceful, and creative weekend!


Filed under Art, attitude, Creativity, inspiration, poetry, Writing

12 responses to “Find the Art in Everything

  1. A lot of tips that can generate ideas for expressing creativity!

  2. Wow, that’s a lot of tips. I bet a lot of creativity was needed for folks to come up with these!! But the one that I loved was simple: Just keep writing!!

    • That’s the one that’s really the most effective! I do like to shake things up a bit though…you never know what might pop out πŸ™ƒ So glad you stopped by!

  3. Love the creativity tips!

  4. I love that line about never trading honesty for relatability…that’s one way to stay inspired, I think, is be honest with yourself instead of trying to make something you think others will enjoy ❀